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Stunning Companion Plants For Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangeas

Stunning Companion Plants for Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangeas

Vanilla Strawberry hydrangeas are a beautiful addition to any garden. Their large, cone-shaped blooms can range in color from white to pink to red, and they bloom for several weeks in the summer. But what plants should you pair with vanilla strawberry hydrangeas to create a stunning and harmonious landscape?

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best companion plants for vanilla strawberry hydrangeas. We will cover plants that complement the hydrangeas' color, texture, and growth habit. We will also discuss plants that can help to improve the hydrangeas' health and flowering.

Plants That Complement the Hydrangeas' Color

One of the best ways to complement the color of vanilla strawberry hydrangeas is to plant other plants that have similar colors. For example, you could plant blue hydrangeas, pink azaleas, or red roses. You could also plant white flowers, such as daisies or lilies, to create a more neutral backdrop for the hydrangeas.

If you want to create a more dramatic contrast, you could plant plants with complementary colors. For example, you could plant purple coneflowers or yellow daylilies next to vanilla strawberry hydrangeas. This will create a striking visual effect that will draw attention to your garden.

Plants That Complement the Hydrangeas' Texture

In addition to color, you should also consider the texture of the plants you choose to pair with vanilla strawberry hydrangeas. The hydrangeas have large, fluffy blooms, so you will want to choose plants with different textures to create visual interest.

Some good options include:

  • Ferns: Ferns have delicate, lacy fronds that will add a touch of lightness and airiness to your garden.
  • Grasses: Grasses come in a variety of colors and textures, so you can find some that will perfectly complement your hydrangeas.
  • Hostas: Hostas have large, glossy leaves that will add a touch of elegance to your garden.
  • Sedges: Sedges have long, narrow leaves that will add a touch of formality to your garden.

Plants That Complement the Hydrangeas' Growth Habit

Finally, you should consider the growth habit of the plants you choose to pair with vanilla strawberry hydrangeas. Hydrangeas can grow quite large, so you will want to choose plants that will not overshadow them.

Some good options include:

  • Low-growing shrubs: Low-growing shrubs, such as azaleas or rhododendrons, will add color and interest to the understory of your hydrangeas.
  • Perennials: Perennials, such as daylilies or coneflowers, will bloom for several weeks and provide continuous interest in your garden.
  • Annuals: Annuals, such as marigolds or petunias, are a great way to add pops of color to your garden.
  • Groundcovers: Groundcovers, such as pachysandra or creeping thyme, will help to fill in the spaces between your hydrangeas and other plants.

Plants That Improve the Hydrangeas' Health and Flowering

In addition to choosing plants that complement the hydrangeas' color, texture, and growth habit, you should also consider plants that can help to improve their health and flowering.

Some good options include:

  • Plants that attract pollinators: Pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, help to pollinate hydrangeas, which leads to more blooms. Some good options for attracting pollinators include lavender, marigolds, and sunflowers.
  • Plants that provide shade: Hydrangeas prefer partial shade, so you may want to plant them near other plants that will provide some shade during the hottest parts of the day. Some good options for providing shade include trees, shrubs, and tall perennials.
  • Plants that improve the soil: Hydrangeas prefer well-drained, acidic soil. If your soil is not acidic, you may want to plant some plants that can help to improve the acidity. Some good options for improving soil acidity include blueberries, azaleas, and rhododendrons.

By considering the color, texture, growth habit, and health needs of your vanilla strawberry hydrangeas, you can create a stunning and harmonious landscape that will bring you joy for years to come.

Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea Companion Plants

The vanilla strawberry hydrangea is a beautiful and versatile shrub that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. Its creamy white flowers transition to pink and then strawberry red throughout the summer, making it a truly eye-catching plant. But what if you want to add even more color and interest to your garden? Consider planting some companion plants with your vanilla strawberry hydrangea.

There are many different companion plants that would work well with vanilla strawberry hydrangeas. Some popular choices include:

  • Hostas are shade-loving perennials that come in a wide variety of colors and leaf shapes. They make excellent companion plants for vanilla strawberry hydrangeas because they can help to fill in the space around the shrub and provide some contrast to its blooms. [TODO]
  • Coral bells are another shade-loving perennial that is known for its colorful blooms. They come in a variety of colors, including red, pink, orange, and yellow. Coral bells can help to add some brightness to your garden and make your vanilla strawberry hydrangeas stand out even more.
  • Astilbe is a tall, airy perennial that blooms in late spring and early summer. It comes in a variety of colors, including white, pink, red, and purple. Astilbe can help to add some height and texture to your garden and make your vanilla strawberry hydrangeas look even more lush.

If you're looking for more ideas for companion plants, be sure to visit Gardenia Inspiration. This website has a wealth of information on the best plants to pair with vanilla strawberry hydrangeas, including their benefits, planting tips, and care instructions.

FAQ of vanilla strawberry hydrangea companion plants

What are some good companion plants for vanilla strawberry hydrangea?

Here are some good companion plants for vanilla strawberry hydrangea:

  • Hostas: Hostas are a classic companion plant for hydrangeas. They have large, shade-loving leaves that provide a nice contrast to the hydrangea's flowers. Image of Hostas plant
  • Astilbe: Astilbe is another shade-loving plant that blooms in early summer. Its delicate pink or white flowers look beautiful next to the hydrangea's larger blooms. Image of Astilbe plant
  • Brunnera: Brunnera is a low-growing plant with blue or green leaves and small, blue flowers. It blooms in early spring, before the hydrangea's flowers open. Image of Brunnera plant
  • Coral bells: Coral bells have bright, colorful foliage that contrasts nicely with the hydrangea's pink or white flowers. They also bloom in early summer, so they provide a long season of interest in the garden. Image of Coral bells plant
  • Sedum 'Autumn Joy': Sedum 'Autumn Joy' is a late-blooming plant that produces showy pink flowers in the fall. It can be planted in front of the hydrangea to add some color to the garden after the hydrangea's flowers have faded. Image of Sedum 'Autumn Joy' plant

How close together should I plant vanilla strawberry hydrangeas?

Vanilla strawberry hydrangeas should be planted about 4 feet apart. This will give them enough room to grow and spread without crowding each other.

What type of soil do vanilla strawberry hydrangeas need?

Vanilla strawberry hydrangeas prefer acidic, well-drained soil. If your soil is alkaline, you can add some peat moss or compost to lower the pH.

How much sunlight do vanilla strawberry hydrangeas need?

Vanilla strawberry hydrangeas need full sun or partial shade. They will tolerate full sun, but they may not bloom as well if they are not given some shade during the hottest part of the day.

How much water do vanilla strawberry hydrangeas need?

Vanilla strawberry hydrangeas need regular watering, especially during the summer months. Water them deeply once a week, or more often if the weather is hot and dry.

Image of vanilla strawberry hydrangea companion plants

5 different images of "vanilla strawberry hydrangea companion plants" from Pinterest:

  • Hostas are a classic companion plant for hydrangeas. They have large, shade-tolerant leaves that provide a good backdrop for the hydrangea's flowers. Image of Hostas as vanilla strawberry hydrangea companion plant
  • Azaleas bloom at the same time as hydrangeas and come in a variety of colors that can complement the hydrangea's flowers. Image of Azaleas as vanilla strawberry hydrangea companion plant
  • Coralbells are a low-growing perennial that has colorful flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. They are tolerant of shade and can help to fill in the space around the hydrangea. Image of Coralbells as vanilla strawberry hydrangea companion plant
  • Lungwort is another low-growing perennial that has colorful flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. It is also tolerant of shade and can help to fill in the space around the hydrangea. Image of Lungwort as vanilla strawberry hydrangea companion plant
  • Butterfly bush is a tall, flowering shrub that attracts butterflies and other pollinators. It blooms in the summer and can help to add height and interest to the hydrangea's planting area. Image of Butterfly bush as vanilla strawberry hydrangea companion plant

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